Warrnambool Urgent Care Clinic
Supporting Warrnambool Base Hospital by Epichealth
The Warrnambool UCC is Supporting Warrnambool Base Hospital by treating urgent care cases in our rooms and leaving emergencies for the hospital emergency department
Free for all
Our service is free for everyone, with or without a Medicare card.
Walk-Ins Welcome
We are a walk-in clinic and no longer offer appointment times.
The Care You Need
Our GPs can give you priority care for urgent medical conditions.
We provide urgent care for injuries and illnesses including:
*If you have tested positive to COVID-19, visit the Victorian Government website.
When to Call Triple Zero
Call Triple Zero (000) or visit your nearest emergency department if you or someone you know is experiencing an immediate life-threatening emergency such as:
- difficulty breathing
- severe bleeding
- unconsciousness
- lips and face turning blue
- becoming agitated, confused or very drowsy
- chest pain or chest tightness
- sudden numbness or paralysis of the face, arm or leg
- large burns
- serious accidents or trauma
- extreme pain.